The challenge is to interpret the word "pure" which for me describes something soft, nude, clean and lightweight
The theme of this week’s photo challenge by The Daily Post, is pure. There are a whole lot of definitions describing the word pure depending on context and one that got my attention is as follows:
pure .adj - free from foreign or inappropriate elements and free from discordant qualities
When I hear the word pure I think of something soft in nude colours and I get the feeling of something being untouched - Just like a fresh start with unexplored opportunities. Pure for me is also something clean and lightweight.
This fits perfectly into my current approach to declutter my life by adopting a more minimalistic lifestyle. This includes throwing away stuff I no longer use and avoid buying stuff I don’t need. It is also a mindset to keep things simple and eliminate everything that is weighing me down - like negative thoughts and poor relationships with people. By reducing the “bad stuff” I believe that I will be able to focus on the important things in life that will bring me real value - and that feels kind of pure to me.
The images below are my attempt to visualize what pure looks like based on my description above. Feel free to leave a comment on what pure means to you. I would love to hear it!

@ 50mm • 1/125 • f/11 • ISO 800

@ 50mm • 1/320 • f/7,1 • ISO 800

@ 50mm • 1/30 • f/20 • ISO 800

@ 50mm • 1/180 • f/3,2 • ISO 500